Crude oil is a product that is rather difficult to transport via pipelines due to the reason that it has a high viscosity level — the speed in this case would be low, therefore the throughput capacity would be low too. In order to increase the speed of feedstock movement inside the pipes, it should be diluted. One of the most efficient and
During the gas decompression process, due to the gas expansion, its temperature is reduced significantly. In which case, it could lead to appearance of frost and freezing of gearboxes and especially operation control panels, integrated into gas pressure reduction stations of the first level (high pressure). For ensuring
The #PROINTEK hardware and software package is made to automate crude oil and gas
The system is implemented on the basis of MicroPC processor Module CPC150*** from Fastwel (the module has been updated up to СРС152).
The system based on Fastwel CPU board performs functions of controlling gas burners of various types, maintaining temperature of the heated products, providing safety functions, practicing emergency operations and remote control. The heater control systems enable to unify design and software solutions, as well as to simplify adjustment of currently working equipment during its subsequent operation and modernization.
The control system has a convenient graphics interface for displaying current state of the controlled object and performing adjustments. Communication with the upper level of the process control system is carried out via
The heaters are launched in automatic mode as follows:
Normal operation mode ensures the
In addition to control block, the control system includes a power supply unit and a set of connecting cables.
The control system ensures safety shutdown of the controlled object by
In test mode, it is possible to test and set parameters of sensors and actuation devices. The mode has protection against unauthorized access to control block parameters.
The control system continuously operates on a